Nevěřím tvrzením o VPN bez protokolů, a ani vy byste neměli.

Víš, že online soukromí je v dnešní digitální éře stále důležitější? No-log VPN služby se stávají populární volbou pro ty, kteří chtějí chránit svou internetovou aktivitu před zvědavými pohledy. Když se rozhodnete použít no-log VPN, očekáváte, že vaše online chování zůstane zcela důvěrné. Ale nakolik můžeme důvěřovat tvrzením těchto poskytovatelů? Je tu několik klíčových faktorů, které nám umožňují mít důvěru v no-log VPN, jako jsou externí audity, silná technologická infrastruktura a promyšlený obchodní model. V tomto článku se podíváme na tyto aspekty podrobněji a zjistíme, proč věřit no-log VPN může být správná volba.

No-log VPNs promise to keep your internet usage private. The rationale is that if logs aren’t stored in the first place, your data can’t be handed over to others. The only issue is, how can you trust the claims?

It took me a while to come around, but there are a few reasons why I believe the claims of no-log VPN providers.

Externí audity udržují no-log VPNs poctivé

DC Studio/Panchenko Vladimir/Shutterstock

It often feels like whether you can trust a VPN‘s no-log claims boils down to taking them at their word. Sure, the privacy policy says logs aren’t stored, but how do you know that’s 100% true?

Reputable VPN services anticipate this skepticism and pay for independent audits to back up their claims. These audits are conducted by third parties who’ve been hired to investigate the VPN. The primary goal is to ensure that no one can trace your online activity—not even the VPN provider itself.

During an audit, technicians test the VPN to verify whether the server configuration matches with what’s stated in the VPN’s policies. A typical audit might check whether the following data is collected:

  • IP address logs
  • DNS queries
  • Traffic metadata
  • Browsing history

I find these audits to be credible because the companies hired have established reputations in security, legal, and financial industries. For example, the most recent audit of NordVPN’s zero-logging policy was carried out by Deloitte, a Big Four accounting firm.

In addition to the features I always check before signing up for a VPN, conducting regular independent audits is at the top of my list.

Technologie infrastruktury zajišťuje no-log politiky

Another way a no-log VPN can earn my trust is by having its infrastructure designed to prevent logging.

One of the largest VPN myths we’ve busted is that you’re always 100% anonymous using a VPN. But a privacy-focused VPN can be set up in a way that makes tracking much more difficult:

  • Servery pouze s RAM
  • Anonymní platby
  • Adresa není vyžadována
  • Registrace povolena s jednorázovými e-maily

Services like ExpressVPN say they can’t keep logs because they use RAM-only servers and don’t store any data on hard drives. When power is lost—for example, when a server reboots—the data held on a RAM-only server is completely lost. It’s not a manual operation that depends on human intervention; it happens automatically due to the volatile nature of RAM itself.

Enforcing a policy with technology makes me inclined to believe no-logging claims.

No-log VPN mají finanční motivaci být transparentní

There are many reasons you should use a VPN, but if you’re specifically looking for a no-log VPN, then you absolutely don’t want VPNs to store your personal information. A reputable VPN provider that’s earned your business with its zero-logging policy has a financial incentive to be transparent.

In fact, its entire business model might be based on its reputation for privacy. If word gets out that a VPN provider has failed to maintain these promises, its core business would be ruined. It’s especially difficult to recover from such a blow when competition in the VPN market has never been so intense.

I like that companies like Surfshark provide a warrant canary to protect their reputation. It reassures me that they care about letting customers know whether they’ve been compelled to hand over user data in the past.

Lastly, there’s a more obvious financial incentive to not store logs. As anyone who’s ever administered a network system or run a business can attest, it’s simply less work to skip record-keeping when it’s not required. There’s less legal liability, too, which we’ll go into next.

No-log VPNs byly testovány v praxi

Privacy policies, third-party audits, and technological precautions are great for building trust, but what better evidence is there than a real-world stress test?

VPN providers have proven their no-log claims on multiple occasions. For example:

  • Private Internet Access (PIA): This popular VPN provider has been subpoenaed twice already, once in 2016 and again in 2018. In both cases, it was compelled to hand over customer data to the court. Both times, PIA proved that there was no data to give.
  • Mullvad VPN: This provider based in Sweden was raided by law enforcement in 2023. But the search didn’t uncover any data, since none was kept.

It also helps when VPN providers operate out of jurisdictions with strong consumer privacy laws. In countries such as Switzerland or Panama, VPN providers cannot be easily forced to rat on their customers.

No-log VPNs have had a great track record so far, which is why I trust their privacy claims. If you’re new to VPNs and want to dip your toes in, you could try VPNs that don’t require you to sign up or register. When you’re certain you’re ready for a full-featured no-log VPN, check out providers that regularly top our list of best VPNs.

Summary: Použití no-log VPN je skvělou volbou pro ochranu vašeho soukromí online. Důvěryhodnost těchto poskytovatelů roste díky externím auditům, pokročilé technologii a silnému obchodnímu modelu. Mnoho poskytovatelů již prokázalo, že jejich tvrzení o no-log politice jsou pravdivá. Pokud hledáte spolehlivou no-log VPN, doporučujeme zvolit služby, které pravidelně provádějí audity a mají dobré hodnocení od uživatelů.